Minnie Lea
Minnie Lea is a artist that was introduced to me by her mgmt Starr Boss in ATL. I took a dive into Minnie Lea’s music and saw a shining star within her with the first record of hers that was shared to me called “Love Field” where Minnie saya she came from Dallas to Atlanta just to pull up on you with her love. I love the authenticity and the vibe of this record , and she has a beautiful voice to go along with the smooth and intriguing flow of the record. She says she hasn't seen u in awhile, we should make time for each other, that long distance situation is never easy but Minnie is ready to bring her love to you straight from Love Field ✈️. Minnie Lea is dope not only can she give you that R&B vibe she can also switch it up and slid on the record with her Rap. A perfect example of that is “Off The Leash” when the song starts I had to check again to make sure I clicked on the right thing cuz I thought Rubi Rose came on. She has a slightly raspy voice that brings a different aspect to her rap records that I think many hip-hop lovers have come to appreciate in female artist like Lola Brooks & as mentioned Rubi Rose, even with that similarity Minnie Lea still finds a way to stick out from other female artist who come before her and I'm here for it. One of her most well known records is called “Only Me” where Minnie says “Im a artist B***h, I'm not a Rapper” and she proceeds to showcase that with every song she drops, its amazing to see a artist not allow people to close them into a box of being just one thing like a rapper or a singer but as a Artist you have so much room to grow and show how versitale you are with you're art. Her most recent release is a dope record called “Hypnotized” that gives u this upbeat vibe kinda like a dance record, I'm looking forward to seeing a visual for this one I immediately saw a vision for it.
Welcome to The Creators Room, it is a pleasure to have you hear so me and you're fans can get to know you a little better and know what you're journey has been like thus far.
How did u start making music? What inspired you to pursue this path? Tell us a little about you're upbringing and childhood experiences that molded you into who you are today.
• I’ve been in activities that surround music and art my whole life. My grandparents on both sides were in bands. I was in the church choir, chorus, band, drama, art, all that. I starting writing music when I was 8 years old. I always knew in my heart that music was my passion. Music is just in my blood.
Ok so u have a strong upbringing in music just like myself, I also was in choir and chorus. What sets you apart from you're peers?
• I feel like authenticity. I see a lot of artists following trends and nothing is wrong with that, but I personally feel like I don’t try to sound like anyone else or be like anyone else. I sound like what feels right to me. Of course I draw inspiration from other artists, but I always want to be unique and true to myself.
You definitely do have a unique style and sound with a little Lola/Ruby Rose sprinkles in there lol. Outside of music, what are some of you're other interest?
• All of my interests include some art form. I love creating period; that’s why I was put here… to create. Painting, drawing, nails, tattoos, hair, makeup, skateboarding, cooking, etc. I can do it all and I love it all.
Can you explain how u came up with you're stage name Minnie Lea, and what influences the look you have which is different but unique.
• My nickname has been Minnie my whole life growing up. I actually got the name from my aunt because she said I looked like Minnie Mouse when I was a baby. Lea came later in life when I was finding myself. I knew I didn’t just want to go by Minnie. It was too plain, and I don’t feel like I’m a plain individual. Minnie is self, Lea is the creator in self. As far as my look goes, it’s influenced by what I like. That’s the best way I can explain it.
What is you're message you would like to give to you're fans & the world through you're music?
• Be yourself, simple. Whatever medium you use to express yourself, dissolve yourself in it completely. Who you are will show through whatever you’re passionate about, and the right people will gravitate towards you. Don’t worry about the naysayers because when you know who are, you realize that most hate come from a projection of what people don’t like about themselves that they love about you.
What are you're thoughts on being a independent artist, as opposed to signing to a record label?
• I feel like being an independent artist of course allows you to have more creative control. You can release whatever music you want when you want. You can look how you want to look. You can be as authentic as you desire. Labels have a say so in every single aspect of who you are. I don’t think labels are bad though, it just depends on who you sign to and what what your contract terms are.
How did you meet your mgmt. Starr Boss what made u decide that she was the one who should represent you? Tell us how that relationship dynamic is
• We met working at the same job. My coworkers weren’t trying to help me and she came through to make sure I was straight. Over time we discussed what we did outside of our 9-5 and she told me she did artist’s development. I’m like just so happens I’m an artist lol. The crazy part is, she told me she wasn’t managing any more artists. I knew she would be my manager though, I just felt it. She was and is so knowledgeable about the industry and I knew that’s who I wanted to represent me. She heard my music and gradually started helping me with different things music wise and long story short she became my manager. She has been the greatest I swear, not just in managing me but she’s my actual friend as well. I can call her about anything and she keeps it real with me. I’ve evolved so much since working with her and it’s only up from here.
What's next for Minnie Lea? New projects? Singles?
• I have a project coming soon titled “A Rockstar Love Story.” It’s a real reflection of some of the situations I’ve been through in romantic relationships. What I love about this project the most is that it’s orchestrated in an alternate and unique way. As far as singles go, they will always drop.
Being in Atlanta there are so many dope and talented artist that are you're peers, out of them all who would u want to collaborate with?
• I love living in Atlanta for that exact reason too. You see so many creatives doing their thing and you can easily network. Honestly, I haven’t thought about who I would like to work with in depth too much because I’ve been so focused on my own music. I do know however, I really want to work with people who play instruments. So I’m looking out for that.
If you could talk to young Minnie Lea who just stepped foot on the game, knowing what u know now what advice would u give her?
• Don’t listen to anyone but yourself. People will try to mold you into who they want you to be whether it be musically, platonically, or romantically, but follow your heart because you know who you are. Trust God. Know your worth and don’t be afraid to set boundaries. Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve because you’re a star baby. You’re a butterfly.