Bori Rock 🐶💤

Bori Rock Aka Teflon Hoot is a dope artist out of Boston Massachusetts 🍀 Bringing you the Puerto Rican Jay Z vibes from Boston to HootYork. Teflon Hoot has a crazy catalog when I first heard of him it was the record “UnWavy Creatures” Which is a dope record that he dropped along with a music video with classic visuals of Fenway Park in the background. The whole “On Dogz” project is wavy “Together” with CrimeApple and RLX is a dope record giving u old school 90s hip-hop 🔥 that's the era I fell in love with hip-hop. There's a handdul of people & artist trying to revive the Culture and these Boston rappers leading the way. “Hootology” is a soulful record giving u tales of finding out the game of the streets. Getting money, and what it's like being the waviest nigga from the Town. Listen to his music down below! Someone said Boston got the best Rappers? We shall see. 🍀


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Miloh Smith