Always STTU

Always STTU is a artist out of the D(M)V we connected in PA. Always STTU stands for Stay. True. To. U. Bro's name is unique to me because we live in a era where it's like everybody is in competition with each other, everybody wants to be seen, there's so much pressure on creatives/artists to keep up with the lastest trends etc that some get caught up in it, changing who they are to fit these labels that society put on our culture. Always STTU is a perfect example of what the game needs more of, someone who is going to stay true no matter the obstacles, and it comes out in his music, fighting battles only real ones like us can understand. 2022 is going to be nothing but growth and prosperity for him. Follow him on IG @alwayssttu_ also check out his singles “Undefeated” and “Bulletproof” although he has a pretty good catalog so thus far, I think those two singles really show his artistry. Also check out the rest of his camp Mutiny The Label

IG: @AlwaysSttu_

IG: @AlwaysSttu_

Always STTU - "The small steps are as important as the big steps on your journey. Don't let either one stop you from finishing"

The quote comes to mind right now

Because I was just talking to my cousin who just finished a project , but now he was debating on dropping it all because the cover art

Recording the project and the process is the big step, but he's about to not drop it because of the small step

Each are important and each need to be executed


Avenue Blvd 🍀

