Ash The Author

Hailing from Suav City, Ash The Author is a rapper & singer who has influence from San Diego & Chicago. Bringing fresh new sound to the music scene Ash The Author is creating a lane of his own for years to come. Stumbling across his music from listening to well known solo acts in both Chicago and San Diego, I first heard his record titled “I’m Not Crazy” off the album called “More Water”. The song resonated with me at the time because like everyone does I was going through some things and as people looked at me like i’m crazy I knew it was actually the opposite. The smooth instrumental and overall message of the record stuck with me so I tapped in to listen more to his work. As I took a look at the album I liked “Weirdniggaz” and “Likecinnamon” another notable for me is “U R Loved” which is a well known sample, recently used by Big Sean on his latest album.

In 2022 a record by Ric Scales was released titled “Wash” ft Ash The Author and me being a listener of Ric Scales I definitely liked the song but never tuned into Ash until mid 2023. I can’t lie I slept on dude, but if you are a lover of unique music that stands out than you found the right place.

I’m looking forward in seeing a new project from Ash The Author, over the years he has dropped a good amount of singles that express his artistry in different ways, like the record titled “Effortless” where Ash says he makes it look easy but he had to bleed, scratch and climb behind the scenes to be where he is. Listening to the music you can hear the influence from coast 2 coast in his music.



Monica Whitlock